Saturday, March 27, 2010
Humus kitchen on 84th and 22nd loved their Shakshuka
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Useful Visual Studio shortcut keys
Shortcuts | Association |
F8/Shift-F8 | Navigate compilation errors |
Ctrl-D | Move to mini-buffer |
Ctrl-Shift-G in mini-buffer or | Open file name in mini-buffer (Ctrl-O seems to open stuff Ctrl-Shift-G does not) |
Ctrl-O in mini-buffer | |
"> command" in mini-buffer | Execute command |
Ctrl+/ | Move to mini-buffer, typing the leading > for you |
Ctrl-Alt-A | Open the command window |
Ctrl-PageUp in HTML Design View | Open source view |
Ctrl-PageDown in HTML Source View | Open design view |
F7 in Form Design View | Open source view |
Shift-F7 in Form Source View | Open design view |
Ctrl-Alt-L | Solution Explorer |
F4 or Alt-Enter | Properties of selected item |
Ctrl-Shift-B | Build |
F5 | Debug |
Ctrl-F5 | Run, but not debug |
Ctrl-Alt-J | Object Browser |
Ctrl-Shift-C | Class View |
Ctrl-Space when typing a symbol | Complete the symbol you're currently typing or give you a choice of possibilities |
Ctrl-Space when entering arguments | Show the function prototype |
"-" (no quotes) as the name of a menu item | Menu item becomes a separator |
Ctrl-K Ctrl-F | Reformat selection |
} | Reformat scope being closed |
Ctrl-K Ctrl-C | Comment out selected lines |
Ctrl-K Ctrl-U | Uncomment selected lines |
Ctrl-} | Match braces, brackets or compiler directives |
Shift-Ctrl-} | Select match between braces, brackets or compiler directives |
Ctrl-L or Shift-Del or | Delete entire line |
Ctrl-X w/ no selection | |
Ctrl-Del | Delete next "word" |
Alt-F6 | Next visible pane (not for use with all windows unpinned) |
Ctrl-Shift-F12 | Jumps to next *whatever*, depending on what's active, e.g. next find result, next task, next error, etc. |
Ctrl-"-"/Ctrl-Shift-"-" (no quotes) | Jumps to last/next place you worked |
Ctrl-C in the Class View | Copies fully qualified name to the Clipboard |
Ctrl-M Ctrl-M | Collapse or expand a region or outlined block (as marked by the [+] and [-] on the left hand side of the editor). |
Ctrl-M Ctrl-O | Collapse everything in the current file |
Ctrl-M Ctrl-L | Expand everything in the current file |
F12 | Jump to the current symbol's declaration |
Ctrl-G, line #, Enter or | Jump to line |
Ctrl-D, line #, Ctrl-G | |
Ctrl-I/Ctrl-Shift-I + string | Incremental search for string |
Ctrl-R+Ctrl-R | Turn on/off word wrap |
Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow | Scroll window up/down without moving the cursor away from the current line |
Shift+Alt+Arrows | Column selection (include of line selection) |
(Alt+Mouse works, too) |
Monday, March 22, 2010
Yahoo Mail is absolutely worthless
I have been having this problem for over four weeks now.
Every time I log into my yahoo account it shows the message below.
There was a problem accessing your account. Please try again in a moment.
Error #1
Error #1
Not sure what the cause is but it stops me from accessing my account.
I was able to access my account yesterday via yahoo's widget on their homepage.
I am not sure if you have run into this issue... but incase you have and know the resolution please let me know
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Rishi working hard
Go Devils
Friday, March 12, 2010
.Net 3.5 and Partial Classes and Multi Layered System
.Net 3.5 and Partial Classes and Multi Layered System
I want to break my project down into 3 layers of code.
- Website: a whole bunch of pages with a lot of IO via the logic layer
- Logic (Test1.Logic) : Build logic on how objects in the database relate to each other on the UI and provide access to them
- Data (Test1.Data) : This project will have only one simple DBML file with the database design.
I was hoping to be able to simply create partial classes in the Logic library so I would not have create a brand new set of classes
Unfortunately you can not create partial classes outside the main library which contains your DBML
I can create a class with the same name under the Test1.Logic namespace, and simply inherit the Test1.Data class.
This gives me all the classes and their methods in the Logic library without a lot of code and now I can build my entire logic in the LOGIC library
Hope this gives you a jump start on your project.
I would use this script to quickly create the LOGIC classes from your DATA classes
SELECT Table_Name
FROM Information_Schema.Tables
ORDER BY Table_Name
PRINT 'class ' + @TableName + ' : Test1.Data.' + @TableName + '
} '
Remember though that you will still need to create the datacontext manually
Have an excellent day.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Cannot add an entity with a key that ...
Cannot add an entity with a key that is already in use
This ERROR has caused me a lot of aggrevation over the last couple of days as a sniplet that I was using earlier all of a sudden stopped working.
And even when I went back and checked the history it showed no change to that code block.
I read a bunch of articles online (for over 3 days) which led me to believe that the problem was with the LINQ framework and not my code.
Despite strongly disagreeing with the idea to add an IDENTITY column, I finally bit the bullet and added the column but still no luck.
I yelled out in pain "WHY THE HELL WOULD THIS NOT WORK" after a couple of sleepless nights, I tried something else, I tried calling the db.SubmitChanges() function in the begining of my function.
P.S. I am extending my datacontext by using Partial Class
So I had code that looked something like this
Partial Class FancyDataContext
Public Sub AddYahoo()
Dim db as FancyDataContext = Me
Dim NewRecord as New FancyRow
db.Fancy.InsertOnSubmit( NewRecord )
End Sub
End Class
I tried variations of my code to see if there was something that I could do to fix this code that was working perfectly fine previously.
What I found was simply AMAZING.I simply chagned my code from above to
Partial Class FancyDataContext
Public Sub AddYahoo()
Dim db as FancyDataContext = Me
Dim NewRecord as New FancyRow
db.Fancy.InsertOnSubmit( NewRecord )
End Sub
End Class
And it errored out.
And Ofcourse, what I noticed was that the function calling my AddYahoo() function was making changes to the datacontext that were not being committed in its block and handing my function the bad data
I did a quick search on LINQ Discard Chagnes and used the article on and created the discard functionPublic Sub DiscardInsertsAndDeletes(ByVal data As DataContext)
' Get the changes
Dim changes = data.GetChangeSet()
' Delete the insertions
For Each insertion In changes.Inserts
' Insert the deletions
For Each deletion In changes.Deletes
End Sub
So my code now said
Partial Class FancyDataContext
Public Sub AddYahoo()
Dim db as FancyDataContext = Me
Dim NewRecord as New FancyRow
db.Fancy.InsertOnSubmit( NewRecord )
db.SubmitChanges() 'THIS IS NOW WORKING :D YEAY
End Sub
End Class
So at the end of it all it was human error.
My apologies to the MSFT team for doubting them.
Hope this saves you some aggrevation in the future.
Hope this saves you some aggrevation in the future.
Have an excellent day.
Friday, March 05, 2010
Headed to CHASKO on Oak Tree Rd :D
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